Blood Drive: A Vampire's Tale

Blood Drive: A Vampire's Tale

A vampire in a human blood addiction support group goes for a divorce and relapses

Vision for the show:
Rose falls on and off the blood wagon repeatedly and her struggle to stay benevolent and keep the blood flowing has her consistently flirting with the possibility of permanently “breaking bad. “ Subplots about her general life, love & relationships with various human and vampire characters are woven into the main theme.

Creator, Cast & Director Credits
Created by Lidia Ryan
Directed by Suzanne Cate

Rose - Lidia Ryan
Mere - Stacy Howell
Arnold - Alen Kolenovic
Paul - Dean Wil
Toby - Henry Kiely
Bernard - Reggie DeLeon
Rebecca - Madonna Magee
Mr Coyote - Mike Ferguson
Raven - Lindsay Elston
Deepak - Rafique Batcha
Remington - Nea Dune
Benjamin - Ben Sullivan

Blood Drive: A Vampire's Tale