Dinner in Hyde Park

Dinner in Hyde Park

An anthology series in which younger versions of people come into their lives to interact in deeply emotional ways, at moments of great personal importance.

Vision for the Show:
Dinner in Hyde Park or ‘Chapters’ is a show that will have lead roles played by the same actor, performing as younger versions of themselves. The series focuses on mental health moments in people's lives and what they might say to their past selves. The story moves in a La Rondemeaning the star of each episode is a character from the previous episode, and then the final episode loops back to the first.

Creator, cast and director credits:
Starring Andy Junk, Alyssa Davis, Betsy Bowman, Jackie Bowes
Created, Written & Directed By Jon Silver

Dinner in Hyde Park
  • Episode 1

    A Chicago writer invites younger versions of himself for dinner, but he is deeply frustrated by his ex-girlfriends attendance and the interruption of a surprise proposal.