The Surrealists
This story begins in Montmartre just after the first world war, where a young psychologist, André Breton, is trying to heal World War I veterans. We see Breton have an epiphany while examining one of his PTSD patients, who believe the entire war was a hoax. This epiphany leads to Breton abandoning his career to form a posse and launch a surreal revolution to cure humanity of its ills. At the surrealist club house creator/influencers Rene Magritte, Max Ernst, and Man Ray draw up their manifesto and missions for mayhem. Meanwhile, some of their crazy uploaded videos have caught the attention of media mogul Peggy Guggenhieim, who along with new recruit Salvador Dalí, crashes a meeting at the headquarters. Immediately taken with their charms and powers the group (Breton withstanding) embraces Guggenheim and Dalí and includes them in their plans to throw a big “surrealist launch party”. Under Dalí and Guggehiem’s influence, the scope of the group launch party quickly escalates into a full on film festival that they may or may not be able to pull off. To make matters worse, Nazi’s have shown up to protest the event leaving the group to figure out how to (a) get rid of these Hitler heads and (b) deliver on their promise to showcase some surreal awesomeness. Breton takes the high ground, leaving the party to deal with the Nazis, before learning they were simply party of a publicity stunt orchestrated by Peggy. By the time he gets back to the party Dalí has won over the crowd by presenting his secret surrealist film that blows the audience’s minds and changes the course of surrealism forever. Watching this revelation from the wings, Peggy beings plotting how to monetize this new cultural phenomenon.